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Caroline Stewart - Metro Christian High School

Class of 2023 - 5'6"

  • Caroline Stewart on Instagram

Best Performances (Click for Link to Official Results):


1:04.24 -  June 15th, 2019 - USATF Oklahoma Association Junior Olympic Championship



2:29.11 - February 9th, 2020 - Missouri Southern Indoor Track Invitational 

2:29.4 - June 1st, 2019 - AAU Oklahoma District Qualifier 

2:31.98 - June 15th, 2019 -  USATF Oklahoma Association Junior Olympic Championship



5:39.1 - February 9th, 2020 - Missouri Southern Indoor Track Invitational 

5:40.62 - April 16th, 2019 - Pinnacle Conference 

5:40:74 - April 12th, 2019 - 9th Annual Bulldog Track Classic 

5:45.52 - March 7th, 2020 - 19th Annual Phil Sweeney Invitational

5:47.71 - April 18th, 2019 - Coweta JH Tiger Track Classic 



5:24.93 - May 24th, 2019 - Jenks Meet

5:27 - May 17th, 2019 - Green County Twilight 

5:29.42 - June 20th, 2019 - AAU Region 16 Qualifier 



12:47.72 - October 3rd, 2019 - Oklahoma Baptist University Pre-state Challenge 

12:50 - October 18th, 2019 - 2019 OSSAA Cross Country Regionals @ Kiefer

13:32.9 - October 26th, 2019 - 2019 4A OSSAA State Championship

13:37 -  October 10th, 2019 - Cushing Tigers XC Invitational



20:43 - May 11th, 2019 - Kipp 5K

20:57 - April 20th, 2019 - Run to the Son 5K

21:08.9 - Sep 21st, 2019 - Southern Stampede College

21:43.47 - Sep 12th, 2019 - 2019 Booker T. Washington Cross-Country Invitational

22:05.47 - Sep 28th, 2019 - 2019 34th Annual Holland Hall Cross Country Inv

Sports Participated in and Honors Received:

Basketball: Started in 1st grade 

Track: Started in 7th grade 

Cross country: Started in 6th grade

Started on the varsity team as a freshman for basketball

Played competitive soccer from 1st grade till 8th grade

2019 4A OSSA cross country state quilter 

2019 AAU Junior Olympics National Championships 4x800 All-American (8th place)

2019 AAU Junior Olympics National Championships 1500m qualifier 

Member of the National Charity League.

Headmaster Honor’s List for last 4 years

NJHS president 8th-grade year

Sophomore class officer


GPA - ACT Score - Class Ranking:

4.0 GPA

College Majors interested in studying:
Pre Medicine
Sport Medicine
Sports Nutrition

Personal Story of overcoming adversity, including lessons learned and character gained through the experience...

I ran summer track for the first time before my freshman year. That summer was a big summer of growth for me! I learned that there were a lot of good runners in this world and every race might not be a physical win but every race is a win. Even if you don’t physically win the race you learn something from each experience your put in. The thing you learn from that experience is much greater and helps you become a better runner as the future goes on. Also, one thing I really struggle with is nerves and self-confidence. I’m still working on overcoming this, but what has helped me through this was realizing how lucky I am to be running. I’ve learned how grateful I need to be that I’m running at such an intense level and I use to take them for granted. So being grateful for the experiences I’ve got to participate in as helped me with my self-confidence and nerves throughout the seasons.  

Express what you hope to do with an opportunity to be a scholarship-student-athlete.  What you hope to give a team and accomplish in college as we'll as what you hope to do with your education and how that big step of completing a degree will lead toward your long term goals...

Since I was in 6th to now I have dreamed about running in college. Running has always been a big part of me and to my day to day life. Running brings constant joy and challenge to me that makes me who I am. I love being surrounded by people that want the same thing as you and are there for you to push up though every experience you encounter in running. I would love to run in college to challenge myself through more obstacles and to be in the constant community of people that encourage you and push you to your absolute best. If I had the opportunity to run in college I would be beyond grateful. I would never take for granted this opportunity because it has been my dream since I was 12. I would use this opportunity to grow a runner and a person. This opportunity would bring more challenges in my running career that I would tackle head and achieve more goals by doing so. 

Coach Hudgens bio and insights on Caroline Stewart...

Caroline is one of the toughest girls I know.   I rarely use the term “Mental Toughness”, however the various attributes, concepts, and constructs that make up that term I have seen in Caroline’s character expressed in a variety of ways.  I’ve seen Carol focus and discipline herself on a particular task especially when learning a new technique or drill.  When a challenging practice requires grit and persistence she rises to the occasion.  In unfamiliar situations I’ve seen Carol express great confidence surprising everyone including herself.  That thrill of showing up and giving your best is a Real Joy that Caroline graciously shares with others in sport.  That’s her real toughness, not that she’s always experiencing successful outcomes, but that she has the resilience and passion for running that despite how “mentally tough” she feels she’ll show up and truly give her Personal Best.  The showing up part we are always grateful for, her presence provides a natural synergy that others thrive off of.  As a coach and mentor, I’m beyond grateful to witness and nurture her passionate journey full of Real Joy! 


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